photo: Mario Gallucci
crimson consuela ravarra was born in Kelowna, BC Canada, and raised in Portland, Oregon. They describe their work as sensorial curiosities that bridge understandings of grief, care, memory, and time—longing. Using performance and site specific installation as engagements.

In 2021 they co-founded local student run, pop-up gallery Playground Gallery, producing reprintings of early photographic works In Response and Momma & I. During that time they performed Bells with Aki Onda and Marcus Fischer. In 2022 they interned at PICA making props for artists Anthony Hudson and Adrienne Truscott, and studied abroad for a term at the University for the Creative Arts Farnham. crimson is an Intermedia graduate from the Pacific Northwest College of Art.


Exhibition Record
2024   Solo Exhibition, shoulder perching, 157 Gallery at 511 NW Broadway,  Portland OR

2023   Group Exhibition, Mind and Hand: PNCA Community Showcase, Royal Nebeker Art Gallery, Astoria OR
four thousand nine hundred and eight miles

2022   Group Exhibition, UCA Fine Arts Department Exhibition, Farnham, Surrey UK
Identifying a Movement in Limbo

2022   Collaborative Project, PNCA Projection Sound and Space Final Exhibition, Portland
Untitled (Room II) with Oscar Dierker

2021   Group Exhibition, Here and Now, Playground Gallery at 106 NW 4th, Portland OR
Momma & I

2021   Group Exhibition, Future Ephemera, PNCA Intermedia Student Exhibition, 511
Gallery, Portland OR
mom, this is a letter

2021   Group Exhibition, Fragile, Playground Gallery at Inspire Wellness, Portland OR
In Response

2024    Project 42, 511 NW Broadway, Portland OR
Rene Rosita Hildago with Molly Vaughan

2024    Risk/Reward Festival, PICA, Portland OR
Brujas de Basura with Megita Denton and Mychelle Moritz

2024   shoulder perching, 157 Gallery at 511 NW Broadway,  Portland OR

2023   shoji reality, 157 Gallery at 511 NW Broadway, Portland OR
looking up at the line with PCP
2023   Workshop with Heidi Duckler, Lee Kelly’s Memory 99 at North Park Blocks, Portland OR

2021   Future Ephemera, PNCA Intermedia Student Exhibition, Shipley-Collins Mediatheque, Portland OR

2021   Future Ephemera, PNCA Intermedia Student Exhibition, B12 Gallery, Portland OR
TOP TURNER by Lenny Beach, with Drew Davis

2021   A Letter from Souls of The Dead, PICA, Portland OR
Bells by Aki Onda and Marcus Fischer, with Paul Dickow, Alissa Derubeis, and Noah

Artist Talks
2021   In Response for Fragile, Playground Gallery at Inspire Wellness, Portland OR

2024   Thesis Oral Defense Writing Award, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland OR
shoulder perching 

2024   BFA, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland OR